Dear children, Dear representatives of the authorities, Dear staff of Damnok Toek, Dear guests.
In the name of Goutte d’eau Switzerland I would like to welcome you to the 20th anniversary of Goutte d’eau, in Cambodian Damnok Toek.
20 years ago, we started the first project in Neal Loeung. The goal was to build up a small project for street children. In 1999 the Cambodian Government asked us to replicate the project in Poipet.
Both are places of migrations and where children are at risk. Due to the needs, the small projects in Neak Loeung and Poipet fast grew to offer a chance for hope, care and education to hundreds of children.
All the children here today are participating in one of Damnok Toek’s programs, many of them have been working in Thailand and Bangkok. We are happy that you are here TODAY, with us.
We are happy that with the work of Damnok Toek you found the chance for a better life. You here represent thousands of children that have been with Damnok Toek, that today are adults, and are productive members of society.
This work was only possible thanks to the work, the love and the care of all the staff, mostly Cambodians, but also Swiss, French, Thai and many other nationalities. To name a few, thank you Rithy, Rith, Wet, Borin, Dr Heng, Ban, Samnang, Chai Chan, Nathalie, Audrey, Hugo, Kurt, Ruth and many others.
Also a big thank you to the donors, based in Switzerland, Cambodia and in other countries of the world.
We are very happy that representatives of the Cambodian Government are with us today. Thank you for the collaboration during the last 20 years.
As Cambodia is developing, we would like to encourage the Government to take more responsibility protecting and supporting their children at risk, the children that are here today.
Goutte d’eau Switzerland has helped during the last 20 years to give these children a chance in life: Cambodian staff, here today, are taking care of them every day. It’s now the time that the Government takes the Responsibility. These children here today, are the future of Cambodia; YOUR future.
Thank you